Tuesday, August 31, 2010

remembering the womb

Logan and I were talking to Tallulah and he asked her if she remembered being in mama's tummy...
Tallulah: YES!
Logan: what was it like?
T: daaarrrk. like black.
L: oh ya?! what did it sound like?
T: (whispering)
L: it was quiet?
T: YA!

Me: do you remember when you came OUT of mama?
T: ya. out of your "who".
Me: were you scared or happy?
T: SCARRRED! (with hands over her ears)
Me: when you came out and mama held you, were you scared or happy?
T: scared.
Me: after mama held you a while, were your scared or happy?

She could have been making it up on the spot, but I don't think she is THAT cognitive yet. Who knows...it wasn't THAT LONG ago to HER! I BET she remembers!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


sorry for my bad attitude, impatience, intolerance, and crazy-mom-voice. I really DON'T like having murder in my eyes when I look at you. I love you my child. I just want you to obey the first time or at least learn when you are being disciplined. My heart breaks and lets a lion out when you have a bad attitude and disobey. I don't like THAT lion. I don't like being ruff with you. I want to be tender and loving and giving to you my sweet baby.

I love you and want to be an amazing mother for you. I know I NEED God's strength. He is my strength and portion for ever and ever.

I hope you don't remember THOSE moments of me, but the ones that bring glory to His heart.

You are extraordinary. but still two.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

my 2 1/2 year old sponge

While making dinner tonight, Tallulah was playing with her "baby", a stuffed puppy:
Baby, get back in there! (the play shopping cart) You have a bad attitude!...You need a spank?!"
I almost wanted to die it was so funny! I immediately called Logan in STAT and had her tell daddy what her puppy was doing. and she repeated it...Oh you are too funny my sweet 2 1/2 year old sponge.

I am so thankful for my two little ladies.
They bring such joy when they aren't making me crazy/frustrated to the point of crazy. Crazy is good, I think. That means they are growing and want boundaries, right?! It gets so frustrating when you have to be a "good" parent and uphold them, though. And really right now, it's just Tallulah... the "chubby one" is just such a joy. Well she IS only 6 months old...the sweet spot.

Tallulah went poo on the potty on her own initiative today...she is getting so good! She hasn't had an accident of pee in a while. So quickly we get used to no diapers! She is growing up.

Sophia was a handful for the first 4 months, and maybe my lack of balanced hormones and lack of sleep had something to do with it, but she is a doll. So freakin cute. A smile that is contagious. A chubby little thing, much like Tallulah was, all you want to do is kiss and nuzzle her.
She does this thing when you are playing with her, making her laugh and smile, where she bows her head bashfully. SO freaking CUTE! Sophia loves it when you make eye contact (like most babies). She has been loving eating things in the mesh sack: pears, bananas, cooked apples, and now peas and carrots. But she wont get hardly anything off a spoon, and if I remember correctly, Tallulah wasn't one for baby food either...at least not till she was old enough to not need to eat it. I guess that is why my children grow teeth so early...they want to eat!

Tallulah LOVES her sister. She is so good with her, and well all babies for that matter. She loves her some Jackson (Holland).
She like to pretend that she has TWO babies in her tummy and she says "Jackson's in there" and I say "you have a boy in there?" and T: "NO, Jackson is in my tummy!" ME: "Is he your husband?" T: "NO, Phia's. Jackson is Phia's." OH! I guess we will see about that one! Maybe she will be right. God knows.

The girls LOVE their cousins. Sophia loves to watch them all play, and Tallulah loves to play with them, especially Carmine. They are so cute when they play (nicely) and are getting along! I am so thankful that she has cousins close to her age, to be friends with as they get older. Apparently, Olive was saying the whole way to church this morning that Tallulah is her friend, her BEST friend and can't wait to see her. I LOVE THAT!

I am looking forward to the time that we can have Olive or Ryland stay for a sleepover. They are so darling and are gonna have so many wonderful memories together! We will see who Sophia is friends with, since there aren't very many girls near her age...a lot of boys to choose from, though!