Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the hole

we drive by a the cemetery on Virginia all the time and I had to explain the whole thing to Tallulah several times over the last couple months. On Jan 14th T said she wanted to be in a "hole" because she wants to die and have Jesus carry her home...and sing and dance with Him all the time. Tears. I cried again as I write this to you. But it WILL be awesome!

Now today Tallulah said she didn't want Rylee to go in a hole, but that she wanted to SAVE her so she wouldn't die.

I can take that WAY deep but I think it was just that. Just coming from an almost 3 year old...But far be it for me to stand in the way of her sharing Jesus with her best friend so she doesn't spend eternity in death (although I am sure her parents are on top of this, but bless her heart!)

I love these children. These character building vessels. These hope bringing, light shining, how greatly we are in need of our dear Saviour...vessels. God is so good to give us such blessings!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"S" for Pia

My sweet sweet Sophia. You are, well, my soul sister.
You are so sweet. Silly. Sensitive. Very sensitive.
You are the sun on a very gloomy day.
You have amazing eyes.
Your smile is illuminating. So joyful and chubby.

You are SO dramatic.
Your feelings get hurt very easily. You don't like when T growls or yells at you; your face immediately changes and your feeling get hurt and you cry. It takes a while to get you back again.

You are compassionate, already. Tallulah was crying about something and you leaned over, hugged her, touched her face, then nuzzle-hugged her. It was the one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. It made my life feel complete.

You are full of life. and joy. and love. and spirit.
and you want to be held...or in someones lap.
You want life WITH someone.
You have been blessed with an amazing sister who, I think, will be that someone, by choice. I pray that for you. I pray that she doesn't get "too cool for you"...that she WANTS YOU to be her friend, HER companion.
She will need your joy and encouragement, and you will need her security and nurturing. At least that is what I can see so far. But maybe you will both surprise me.

You can say mama, dadda, papa, nana (for your noni and grandma), this, yes (which, really, I am really glad it's not NO yet), s (reading letters), hot, dog, and (clear as day) DANCE! and you start grooving and clapping your hands.

I started to do "row row row your boat" with your hands the other day, and tonight at dinner you grabbed my hand and started to row and said "ra ra ra" and had a huge smile on that chubby face! You just lit up.

You are quite. You play when you first wake up in your bed. You like getting reactions...especially smiles. You ACT shy...or maybe it is bashful. When you are being cute or silly or someone is talking to you and I am holding you, you get on an enormous smile and lean into me putting you head on my chest. Oh how I love that!

You are a snuggler. You love physical contact.
Even now when you fight that it is time for you to sleep , Daddy "sleeps" you. He hold you in this magical way: with his hand over and across your face and you promptly fall to sleep. When you want "mama's" you bring both your hands up my neck and squeeze then stick your hand in my cleave, like you are gonna serve yourself if I don't get to it fast enough. You are silly and know what you want and for that matter, don't want.
You are a good communicator. You what your way, but at this point, I can probably say I DO know what is best for you.

You are amazing. You are such a joy.
We call you Chubby chubbers and Biggy. Please don't get a complex. Your sister was actually WAY bigger than you at your age, it just fits you right now. AND it makes you smile as wide as the ocean when we say it. We won't call you that forever. Don't you worry.

Your sister loves you. She teaches you things all the time, and you pick up on things she does. I love having you two girls.

I am deeply in love with both of you. For more reasons than I can write.

Other than Jesus dieing for my sins to give me new life, that I might live abundantly, in His freedom; and walk in the gifts He has given me...Tallulah and Sophia: you are THE greastest part of ME. By God's grace. I will always love you and serve (though will fail often) our Great God who guides me in everything, especially being your mother.

tired of this crap

I had one of those nights tonight.

Where, after screaming to my child (in a "I am breathing fire" kind of voice)"Shut. Your. Mouth. Get. In. Your. Bed. NOW!" and hearing her cry and obey. out of fear probably...I finally cried out (literally) to God; "please God...I am gonna loose it. Have her obey. PLEASE! I am TIRED of THIS CRAP!!!" and here I hear her little voice is just asking for her Zambonni and for it to be warm (her polar bear that we heat up). At that moment IT WAS disobedience on her part, but I needed to remember it wasn't me she needed to please, well kinda, but God, and so DID I. I needed to be her mom. It is such a tough line, you know, being a gladiator/dictator vs. a lover/soul model.
It is hard. Sometimes you just want a break. To be let off the leash. It is refreshing to be ME, minus children, but they are who God is using to make ME better...they are our character builders.

God give me peace on the battle field and off.