I had been training since the middle of January for the River City 1/2 marathon Run in Sac. on March 27th. I had a few hiccups (calf cramping, getting sick, ice and snow) that had me not be able to train as I planned. But I went on, I had my goal I was working towards. I had been asking for prayer that my body wouldn't cramp up, that I would be able to run/finish the race. The wednesday before the race, there was a ton of snow outside and Logan specifically told me to "be careful!" and so I did. Then I realized I forgot my phone at home, went back...carefully, ran in and got the phone, walked back out to the truck and my left foot slipped and my right thigh decided to help out and charlie-horse-cramp up the entire quad!!! I was in so much pain. Limped back into the truck and had to Lamaze breathe the entire way to work so I wouldn't throw up. I could hardly drive. I said "GOD! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! YOU PUT THE WALLS UP TO FORM THE OCEAN. YOU CAN MOVE THE MOUNTAINS! I WANT YOU TO HEAL THIS LEG!!! TO YOU BE THE GLORY FOR I KNOW IT CAN ONLY BE DONE BY YOU. HEAL ME SO I MAY RUN THIS RACE...if it be your will.!!!" Yes! I DID just say that to GOD!!!
Thursday: I felt a little better, friday: went for a brisk walk with Tiffany, Sat: better! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! although still praying that I wouldn't cramp up for the race on Sunday. (God:1 Angel:0)
Sunday morning: getting ready for the race, a little nervous, Tiffany drove me to the starting line. She was exactly what I needed. A sister, a mother, a supporter...even down to the awkward-stand-in-front-of-the-sign-pose-that-you-usually-fight-against-but-in-the-end-are-super-thankful-they-did-it photo. I wished my parents were there (like I was a teenager, not an almost 30 year old woman and mother of 2), but Tiffany was everything they would have been for me. (I love her!)
I had in my mind (and vocalized to my sister) that I didn't want any of these "runners" to try to be my friend. I don't need to be apart of this community and have "1/2 marathon running buddies." I wanted to mind my own business and just run and not be all chummy with these people I didn't know. Turns out, I was "that" person that tried to make conversation with other runners. (God:2 Angel:0)
A recent bible study we did was the Gospel Centered Life, and it says that we need to speak the gospel to ourselves; so I preached to myself the whole way. The Holy Spirit reminding me of truths. Promises. His word. I asked for Logan to bring my Ipod so I wouldn't be bored. HA! As my friend had asked recently on her blog "how often do we shut up and just listen to the Lord? Listen to hear what He has to say." (my version, she is way more gracious)
Anyway, I ran. And ran. And ran. Drank water/electrolyte drinks at each station, had honey goo stuff part way through when my hip started tightening up. As I was running, I kept being cautious of what might go wrong, where I was prone to injury. Then it (GOD) hit me. He healed me. He made me new. You know?! Like really HEALED ME?!! Why am I walking/running in a manner as if that didn't completely happen?! (now on a spiritual tangent)...Why DO we live as if we are subject to our sins still?! He has FREED us! Healed us! Get up and walk! Open your eyes and SEE! Get thee behind me Satan!...you know?!! That kind of healing!!! So I said to God "God! You healed me! I know it was you, to you be the glory! I don't think you healed me only to see me fail this race. YOU want me to finish well and so do I! Please heal this muscle! I want to be new and walk(/run) in that! I know it will hurt as it is a area of weakness, but let's power through this and finish this race! I depend on you! TO YOU BE THE GLORY!" And there you go...(God:3 Angel:0)
There were no mile markers, I had no idea how far I had gone, but I knew that the "watering stations" weren't too far apart. By the time I got to the 3/5 watering station I asked how many miles it had been and he said 9! What?! NINE?! Holy Moley! It hadn't felt like 9, more like 6...(seeing as though I had only ran 8 as the longest run during training.)
I was super pumped! Let's do this thing!
After that I was sailing, well more like chugging...just running, you know, doing it. Felt a little disappointed that there were misunderstandings and Logan and the girls weren't able to see me along the way or at the end. (Actually they came about 40 minutes after I finished). But He gave me peace. I didn't cry. I wasn't mad.
At the end, I felt like "ya. so there you go. we finished. a half marathon. no big deal." It was very "almost 30 years old" of me right?! I think it was the endorphins. and God. My God, the same God that was there on my wedding day, giving me an eerie amount of peace. Oh how I love Him.
I listened.
TO Him be ALL the GLORY! For ever and ever AMEN! (God:4 Angel: made new)