Friday, January 6, 2012

the year 2012

After being in prayer while working on a previous client, (yes sometimes, I zone out and go auto-pilot and pray if I am giving "just a relaxation massage"), one of my dear clients, Marie, asks me what God has told me about for 2012.

me thinking: Hmmm...Did God tell ME something. Did I even ASK?! Ugh. FAIL! God speak to me, organize my thoughts!...

Prayerfully pondering this I started opening my mouth...2011 was a purging year, renewing, de-cluttering year. I think 2012 will be a year of transformation that sticks. Beautiful changes that are completely HIS will for His GLORY!

Then I asked her. She said that was exactly what God told her. She spoke more eloquently, of course. (because that is how she is, beautiful and every word thought through and for His Glory!)

I love sharing moments like this. It is why God intends for us to be in community, to be able to stand FIRM in what he is saying and has said and slaying any lies, together.

Share who you are, who you serve, and you will be surprised at how God uses you and speaks in and through you. Be bold and tenderhearted.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I'm right there with you, last year being a major year of purging, renewing and de-cluttering! I love your vision for this year. I might have to steal that.
